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An Open Letter

Mr. Grumpy apologizes..

Mike Java
2 min readJul 25, 2020


Apparently I have angered the Medium Support forces. I received a “you are a bad boy by not following our rules” email. I am a little taken aback by this. I don’t typically go so far overboard to require a nasty email to remind me of the rules. I do apologize for any wrong doing and will try to be a better writer in the future.

The email makes no specific mention as to a particular post or response I may have done wrong but I will take a guess it was a response to someone’s overtly leftest viewpoint. Fair enough I will try to not make that mistake again.

I took a read through the Medium Rules to make sure I understood them. Perhaps all writers should take another look at the rules. I personally feel that the no hate speech rule is violated by every post promoting the hatred fueled BLM movement. Yet we have an entire publication, Momentum, that is nothing but hate speech, per Medium’s definition. I don’t read post there so as not to be offended by them.

No harassment is a great rule. I whole heartily support that. In fact all the rules seem to be just fine and I can get behind them.

The email makes mention that Medium does not allow harassment or personal attacks. I take it I harassed someone in a response or feels I attacked them.



Mike Java

Just a strange old guy that likes to write strange stories.