The Practical Application of Knowledge: Technology

Mike Java
4 min readOct 26, 2020

Old Guy ranting about stuff.

Robot looking at you. Very modern.
Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

As defined on Google: Technology..” is the application of scientific knowledge to practical purposes.” Simple enough sounds good, but this is 2020 and nothing is as it seems. Now, of course, the word peaceful which means the absence of violence means the complete destruction of a city, tearing down of statues, and in general, being non-peaceful. I apologize to CNN but the truth is the truth. Getting a virus back in the day meant you stayed home, ate chicken soup, and watched horrendously stupid daytime television, not the complete lockdown of society. For some reason, the virus doesn't’ affect rioters, sorry “peaceful protestors”, but technology can’t save you if you want a hair cut, ( Pelosi?).

Then there are the masks. Technology over time created these wonderful things to prevent us from breathing in dust, bad fumes, etc. Now people use technology to make “magic” masks out of old socks. In some situations, a mask can be appropriate, but it doesn't need to be mandated by empirical rulers that we must all be masked up or else. And sock puppet masks will not stop the Chinese Virus. Driving in your car, all by yourself, why are you wearing a mask? This is technology going backward.

Some technology is good. Even as a youngster, way back in the dawn of time, we had “technology”…



Mike Java

Just a strange old guy that likes to write strange stories.